Kick-off workshop (4 July 2024)
Use of Data //
Market data can be used free of charge
The data published on this platform are deemed to be freely available and available to the public. The data can be downloaded and saved free of charge.
ENTSO-E and ENTSOG endeavour to allow the greatest freedom of use of the all data published under the framework of the TYNDP Scenarios. Therefore, all data that is published in the Visualisation Platform and Data files are released under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. The same applies to any data requested such as hourly demand time series, which may not be shown on the website due to large files.
- Download – you can download downloaded market data
- Share – you can share and reproduce the data in any media and format, citing the source. “TYNDP 2024 Scenarios” should be used as the attribution.
- Editing – downloaded data may be used in parts, put together and changed.
Further information on the Creative Common license can be found on the website